1 Air transport has other transport unmatched superiority. Fast delivery, transport security, accuracy, simplify packaging to save the packaging cost is the cost of international air transport, easy transfer, and time is very short, the goods to the transportation companies, and quickly go directly to the hands of the client, no special operation
2 International express is based on time delivery of quality from other transport modes, which are set up efficient and effective functioning of a sound based on the network, and the network has a strong ability to integrate. From the content on the main can be divided into international express documents and packages, no need to go for their own commodity inspection, customs, and other matters, which the individual small foreign trade are very convenient.
3 International Maritime shipping is mainly a long time required for both import and export of the corresponding procedures, cost-effective than air
1.According to the mode of operation of ships at: regular routes and routes from time to time;
2.In accordance with sub-distance voyage: ocean routes, near-like routes, coastal routes.
3.According to the scope of navigation points: (1) Atlantic routes; (2) Pacific routes; (3) the Indian Ocean routes; (4) Global route
Logistics flow:
1.Request For Quote to receive the owner: the sea or land freight Inquiry Inquiry
2.Orders (to accept the owner commissioned a) the owner to accept orders (usually faxes) to be focused on specific information: Sailing the number of pieces, box type, box volume, gross volume, payment terms, contact the owner Ways, packing case, drag installed or field installed
3.Booking: the provision of proxy (together ten single), stamping company Chapter booking booking made with capsule back to a single selected name, voyage number, bill of lading information No.
4.Packing: trailer mounted: complete packing plan: time, vessel name, voyage, transit port, the port of destination, weight, number, size, contact, address, telephone and so on. Field installed: Completed packing plan: Sailing vessel voyage, transit port, the port of destination, weight, number, size, number, etc. want a result, the first 1 ~ 2 days ranked well.
5.Customs: Learn regular exports of goods declaration required information: ①required inspection ②required quota permit ③required Certificate ④required to be authorized to provide trademark, trademark name
Completed Name voyage, the bill of lading number, the corresponding packing list (packing list), invoices, gross weight shown in the number of pieces, packaging types. Show where the goods declarations "English name" Encyclopedia of access control customs codes commodity coding, review Whether or not the two match. ready customs power of attorney, declarations, manuals, invoices, packing lists, to write off a single, service module back to a single (one-fifth ten linked together afterwards), to change. tracking station receipts, to ensure that the stowage embarkation. Those who retire with customs reform, and if there is one of the next voyage, the transport is still required, such as permits, quotas, commodity inspection, plant quarantine, such as moving documents back clearance, re-allotted NOTICE should precede the allocation of schedules for a Get Week in order to (reportedly transported Division) successfully disinvestment information, re-use
6.Bill of lading to identify and modify
8.Voyage cost of clearing
9.Bill of lading, invoices issued (the bill of lading sample).
10.Should be within a month to urge the voyage of the liquidation costs and timely return of the cargo owners to write off the tax refund checks